Mapple Leaf | Snow Goose B&B, Adirondacks, NY
Work Remotely in the Adirondacks
Work Remotely in the Adirondacks.

Work Remotely in the Adirondacks

by | Mar 29, 2021 | Blog

Have you ever dreamed of being able to work from anywhere? Most of us have wished for that privilege while rolling out of bed and heading toward our workplace. Now, according to Upwork’s “Future of Workforce Pulse Report,” 1 in 4 Americans will be working remotely in 2021. In addition, many school-age children are still home-schooling or participating in rotating schedules which allow them the flexibility to learn from any location.

Since we reopened our doors after the early 2020 shutdown, we’ve noticed that a lot more of our guests are bringing their work with them to the Adirondacks. They’re enjoying the healing benefits of outdoor activity and beauty while still managing their businesses, completing coursework, and participating in company Zoom calls.

How can an Adirondack vacation boost your productivity? We’re glad you asked! When working from home, experts recommend getting a good night’s sleep, taking regular breaks for physical activity and eliminating all unnecessary clutter and distraction from your work environment. But we all know how easy it is to follow mental bunny trails when you’re surrounded by your kids, the laundry and the temptation of your favorite TV show.

We can help! The peace and privacy of our three guest rooms provides the perfect “home away from home” for your remote work, a personal retreat, or uninterrupted time to work on a writing project. The Snow Goose Bed and breakfast offers excellent, free WiFi, multiple work spaces throughout the house, nearby restaurants for lunch/dinner (we’ll cover breakfast) and three beautiful hiking trails that you can access without even moving your car!

If your children are over the age of eight and doing remote schooling, we will gladly welcome them too! Nothing motivates a student to knock out assignments like the promise of an invigorating hike or making S’Mores around the campfire at the end of the day.

If you’re tired of looking at the same four walls, take advantage of this opportunity to get out of town! Bring your work along and enjoy the boost in happy chemicals and productivity that comes from a new setting, connection with nature, and fewer bothersome distractions.

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